Kolam Yoga is an ancient training syllabus for
the physical body, mind and spirit
Considered as an Ephemeral Art form that is made up of powdered grids of dots and lines
White rice and or chalk powder is poured skillfully from the fingers
into a visual, non verbal coded Language,
aching to calligraphy,
like writing and drawing on an Earth made canvas
The Body is actively involved in manifesting its rhythm and measure ;
arms act like a "pendulum dance"
laying down its design
We find within the kolam structures,
a treasure house filled with riddles, numbers, sacred geometry,
sound patterns frequencies,
mandala, yantra and mantra,
tessellation, fractal, science,
animal and plant DNA structures
It is not a religion
but it holds all world religion,
from its form and function
Becoming a kolam yoga practionner
allows the Kolam syllabus to be reactivated
again and again,
consciously by you
The goal is for you
to give it a newfound place
either within your personal occupation and practice in life
or in schools in learning institutions of various disciplines
ranging from Science medicine,
Architecture, Design, Theatre and Dance
to name a few
Kolam Yoga can also impact all other subject matters
with its wide range of knowledge
In order to keep improving the kolam yoga syllabus,
it is continuously subjected to an on going research,
your continual deepening and learning
including your discoveries
The ultimate Aim of Kolam Yoga
is one of
self development
and self realization
The word Kolam comes from the Sanskrit root
meaning ‘ascending, to aspire and breath in’
Sanskrit root sound of the Muladhara Chakra
that sits at the base of our spine,
meaning 'descending, into matter,
breathing out and exhaling.
Kolam can be meaning “an Aspiration manifested into the matter"
The word yoga comes for the Sanskrit “ to unit”
When combined with the word Kolam,
the practice of Kolam
Becomes a practice of union,
manifested into
the matter
Leaving it up to you, to choose now its meaning
Thanking, Grace Gitadelila,
the author of this text,
and teacher of this art
transmitted to me
in India, 2020